Thursday, March 3, 2011

Advantages and Disadvantages of Mountains:

The Advantages of  mountains are as follows:
1. The good tourist attractions,
2. The house dwarves,
3. It collects water and store it to provide water to otherwise arid places,
4. It counterbalance the other mountains to stabilize the Earth's orbit,
5. It provides dividing lands for the countries,
6. It affects the climate,
7.The water boils at lower temperatures due to less pressure at the high altitudes.
                Many  fun activities  can be played  such as skiing, snowboarding and much more as well as that the clean and  fresh air helps the tourists stay  fresh and  healthy. It helps to keep the environment  always fresh and clean. It provides land for two countries just like a wall between two rooms.Mountains store snow pack for water in the summertime.It cause clouds to rise and release rainfall.We can always find entertaining waterfalls, caves and ornamental plants in mountainous environment.

The disadvantages of mountains are as follows:
1. Mudslides and forest fires frequently occur on mountainslides,
2.It encourage silly humans to climb which is very risk for human life,
3.It is too cold to live near the mountains and hilly areas that is dangerous.
4.The volcano could erupt and destroy all  the  sceneryand causes bad gases, ash, vapour. flying rocks that are huge and hot.



  1. good info.....yay.....ok bye

  2. i need 7 of advantages and dis advantages

  3. Wooooo!Go team shrmanoj! Helped alot ☺

  4. I need 5 disadvantages of mountains

  5. I need five each not four but it's in formative

  6. theres no information

  7. Thanks this really helped with my geography class!

  8. exceptionally helpful-informative.

  9. Why is everyone complaining? I thought this was really good. This was all I needed to complete my geography class. Thank you.

  10. This is so cute I really enjoyed the learning hope

  11. Yeah...I didn't get the answer i so bye

  12. Enter your comment...
    I thank y'all for providing this information..It's useful....

  13. Good and Informative but please make it up to seven. Thanks.
