Thursday, March 3, 2011

Importance of mountains

                       "Mountain is the beginning and the end of all the natural scenery". Mountains are god gifted physical  features  found both on the land and in  the seas and oceans even on another planets. We cannot measure their importance in terms of animals. Allowing a fair distribution of wild life, they are also a natural sanctuary for some animals. There are certain areas, where the grip of man cannot reach. On the top areas there are birds and insects and on the lower parts goats and sheeps are found.
                      Mountains are the great sources of lakes, rivers and streams. They are also  one of the main income of  source for  the tourists guides in our country  and also helps  to develop the economic  condition of our country. Many countries are  a lot foreign exchange with the help of  mountains. We cannot imagine how dull and shapeless our earth without them.So, the government of nepal should take care of these god gifted natural sources .

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